Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oh! Are these my feet?!

Did we have a day or what?! Naps didn't go great but it's okay. Kylie doesn't like carrots, not sure if it's the taste or texture. She DoeS like butternut squash though!

Kaylen and Kylie both found their feet! Haven't gotten a picture of Kylie though. They are both doing so well. I'm so happy and so proud of them. I hope that they will start sitting up on their own soon. Maybe a month.. I need to work with them a little more on that.

Trent, he is Trent. Not too much new with him. He is talking more. Oh precious children. He loves his sisters. Gives them plenty of kisses. =) What a doll!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pictures..fingers crossed!

Kaylen & Mommy
Since the pictures didn't work before, I will try again!

Kylie & Kaylen:

Both are eating fruits, veggies, and even apples&chicken today! Woohoo!

They have been on a pretty good schedule for a few days now (knock on wood) with sleeping and eating. It's wonderful.


He is just silly. We went outside and he saw the little girl across the street. She was taking things to the backyard with her dad so Trent went over there to her driveway. He jumped off his motorcycle and jumped and ran around in circle because he was so excited! That boy. So sweet! He played monkey see monkey do. Lacey (little girl..duhr) was throwing and breaking chalk so the monkey saw, and the monkey did.

A rainbow appeared

After the rain....

We ended up with a wonderful little boy and two beautiful little girls!

Trent is playing with cars. He talks about nothing but cars, trains, blue/green(popsicles), candy, and chocolate milk. Loves to play with everyone and is soooO friendly.

Kylie and Kaylen are getting so big. Kylie is grabbing at things more and wants to touch EverYtHinG! She is trying to get around, whether it be army crawling or rolling, she'll get there some way some how. Kaylen is our noisy girl. She has recently started screeching (happily) and just talking away. She is having a little trouble with getting around and we still need to place things in her hands. She is getting there though!