Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oh! Are these my feet?!

Did we have a day or what?! Naps didn't go great but it's okay. Kylie doesn't like carrots, not sure if it's the taste or texture. She DoeS like butternut squash though!

Kaylen and Kylie both found their feet! Haven't gotten a picture of Kylie though. They are both doing so well. I'm so happy and so proud of them. I hope that they will start sitting up on their own soon. Maybe a month.. I need to work with them a little more on that.

Trent, he is Trent. Not too much new with him. He is talking more. Oh precious children. He loves his sisters. Gives them plenty of kisses. =) What a doll!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh! so cute!! Hey you can't just sneak a blog into your sig and not tell us at the BC!! Or did I miss you posting about it? Anyways, great pictures and it is so great putting a face with the name :) Looking forward to more posts and pictures.